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  21 February 2014

The last day of the Conference provided a pleasant occasion where at the Farewell Supper Mr Virat Prapruetdee, General Manager of the Cinnamon Residence, Bangkok, Thailand, a strong supporter of the then UICEE and now WIETE, celebrated his 70th birthday. On this memorable occasion and in recognition of 15 years of co-operation in the organisation of eight successful international conferences, Mr Prapruetdee received a Certificate of Appreciation from the World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE), bestowed upon him by Professor Zenon J. Pudlowski, the WIETE Director.

The citation read out by the WIETE Director mentioned the successful co-operation and noted the ...provision of excellent facilities; support in the organisation of outstanding social functions and events; and resolution of administrative problems always with a smile and traditional Thai kindness.

The WIETE Director, WIETE-IAAC members, and Conference participants wished Mr V. Prapruetdee many more birthdays in good health. They expressed their sincere appreciation for the effort shown in preparing the excellent venue with a friendly atmosphere in the Cinnamon Residence, as well as their desire for Mr Prapruetdee to help in the organisation of future WIETE meetings and events.

The picture shows Mr V. Prapruetdee (r) receiving his Certificate of Appreciation from Professor Zenon J. Pudlowski, the WIETE Director.