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  6 April 2016

The Conference Banquet of the 7th WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education was held in the picturesque locale of the Titania Hotel’s rooftop Olive Garden Restaurant in Athens. This event provided participants with excellent Greek cuisine and spectacular views over the Acropolis and the city.

On the recommendation of the Executive of the WIETE International Academic Advisory Committee (WIETE-IAAC), a membership grade called Fellowship, was established in February 2012. This is the WIETE’s highest membership grade, awarded to prominent international academics involved in engineering and technology education. This time, a distinguished Slovak academic and internationally renowned architect, Professor Robert Špaček, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, was elected to be a WIETE Fellow, and was presented with his diploma by Professor Zenon J. Pudlowski, WIETE Director.

The citation mentioned that the recipient of this highest WIETE honour received it ... in recognition of his distinguished contributions to engineering and technology education, outstanding achievements in the globalisation of engineering and technology education through the activities of the WIETE, and, in particular, for exceptional service to the WIETE.

In congratulating Professor Špaček on this award, we hope he can continue his success with his input to the world of engineering, technology and architecture. We also wish to thank him wholeheartedly for his exceptional contribution to the life and activities of the WIETE, and UICEE, its precursor.

Professor Andrew Nafalski of the University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia; President, WIETE International Academic Advisory Committee (WIETE-IAAC), and Professor George Metaxas, MCE&TE Director at Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (PUAS), Athens, Greece; Vice-President, WIETE International Academic Advisory Committee (WIETE-IAAC), received a commemorative Australian coin with the following citation …Celebrating the 7th WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education in the Year of the Monkey, this WIETE gift is presented in recognition of your life achievements in engineering and technology education.

The pictures below show Professor Z.J. Pudlowski presenting Professor Špaček with his fellowship diploma (top), and Professors Metaxas (middle), and Nafalski (bottom) receiving their awards.