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3rd WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education



  Front cover 0
  Initial pages 1-4
Z.J. Pudlowski Preface 5
A. Kalanidhi
Innovations in engineering and technology and the need for innovative curriculum and syllabi revision (Opening Address) 6
S. Kocijancic
National assessment of knowledge of engineering and technology topics at the end of middle school - the Slovenian experience (Opening Address) 9
P. Vohra, O. Ghrayeb & R. Kasuba Embedding innovation in a typical engineering curriculum 14
A. Utasi, Á. Rédey, E. Horváth,
R. Kurdi, J. Kovács, E. Domokos,
T. Yuzhakova, Zs. Kovács,
V. Somogyi, Cs. Katona, P. Bui,
V. Csom & K. Lászlóné
An environmental catastrophe and its incorporation into the environmental engineering curriculum at the University of Pannonia 17
D.Q. Nguyen & Z.J. Pudlowski
Enrolment of women in engineering and technology degree programmes in Australia 21
A. Pradela, J. Kaźmierczak &
A. Wilińska
The role of cluster initiatives in educational systems in the improvement of engineering and technology education 27
B. Illés & G. Bognár Education of logistics according to engineering and economic considerations 33
B. Illés, E. Glistau &
N. Coello Machado
Common, international and academic education in logistics
G. Bognár & B. Illés
Mathematics in engineering education 44
B. Illés & Ba. Illés
The need for business competencies and knowledge for engineering students - an example of the University of Miskolc
S. Wiak, D. Jeske, M. Krasuski &
R. Stryjek
The E-matura project yesterday, today and tomorrow - challenges and opportunities
S. Wiak, D. Jeske, M. Krasuski &
R. Stryjek
E-tutoring as part of the e-examination - the use of data warehousing and data mining to assist the learning and teaching process
A. Carrier, O. Ghrayeb & P. Vohra
Enhancing STEM awareness and STEM pipeline through integrated pipelines of communication
E.Z. Ramis
Efficiency of a portable electronic vulcaniser 69
D.W.S. Tai, Y-C. Hu, R. Wang &
J-L. Chen
What is the impact of teacher self-efficacy on the student learning outcome? 77
J-C. Wang, C-H. Lin, W-K. Liao &
W-J. Liao
A new speech-based emotion identification approach for a modern technology education system

Index of Authors 86




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ABN: 50 135 362 319
Last updated: 14 February 2012, Website designed and maintained by Dianne Q. Nguyen